We all have a role to play to make the world a better place!
COVID-19 forced us to postpone our community campaign project, but we are now happy to announce that we have finished round two of our Community Campaign in Ek Phnom district with eight villages!
The key messages of the campaign inform people in the community about the importance of keeping children with family and encourage them to get help when they see children or families who need extra support.
The involvement from every part of the CFI team made round two of the campaign easier to deliver to the community. The entire team at CFI showed commitment, worked hard, and we’re happy to share these important messages in the community to understand why we should keep children with family.
We provided these key messages during the COVID-19 season by visiting house by house and sharing these messages in small groups of fewer than 10 people.
The best part was getting feedback directly from families who told us “It’s great to get this information, every family might not realize this is such a big problem when children can’t grow up with their family”.
“I first thought that putting our children in the RCI* would help them access education and have a bright future because we can’t afford to provide that kind of education for our children. But now I understand the risks and I will raise them by myself.” a local mother told us.
In round two we reached 107 new people and connected with 13 key influencers who will help us spread the message even further, a great outcome!
A big thank you to the Family Care First | REACT program, led by MoSVY with financial support from European Union, USAID, the GHR Foundation, and Save the Children Hong Kong who made this possible.
Note: Residential Care Institution, often referred to as an orphanage, even though over 80% of these children have living families members.
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