About Us
CFI´s mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable, marginalized and at-risk children in Battambang province by providing access to quality education; promoting child rights; ensuring physical safety, health and wellness; inspiring children and young adults to act as positive role models within their communities; fostering self-reliance among families and communities while sharing joy together.
CFI envisions a future where every child in Cambodia is safe, healthy, educated, thriving and happy.
Social Work
Our social work team reaches around 400 children and young people through case management, counseling, emergency food support, livelihood support, and housing support. We also provide training such as positive parenting, safe migration, and domestic violence prevention.
Apart from our individual casework, we help train government social workers and staff from residential care institutions, often referred to as orphans, to identify children suffering from violence, and how to provide case management and child protection.
We also work with residential care institutions to keep children living with their families, reintegrate children living in the institutions back into community care, and transition the center to provide activities that don’t involve children living in a center.
Learning Center
CFI provides supplementary education to approximately 120 students in the Ek Phnom district of rural Battambang, Cambodia. Children attend public school in the morning and then come to the Learning Center in the afternoon to take supplementary classes in Khmer, Math, English, and Computer science.
At CFI we use child-friendly techniques that help kids learn in a better, more engaging way and encourages them to think critically. All teachers at CFI have training on working with vulnerable children and are implementing a competency-based learning approach, which allows them to best tailor their methods and activities to the students’ needs. Thanks to this newly implemented approach, students are able to get quality support for their individual needs.
Khmer and Math classes generally aim to support children who are behind in their studies, to help them catch up to their grade level at public school and acquire crucial basic skills for their future. The Khmer and Math curriculums are both based on public school material, ensuring that students are achieving their appropriate grade level learning outcomes at public school.
While with the supplementary Khmer and Math classes CFI focuses on prioritizing the fundamental literacy and numeracy skills of students, we believe that additional skills, such as English and Computer science are also essential for the future success of children. Private schools and courses offer these classes, but the families that CFI works with cannot afford to pay for these, which leaves young people with a big disadvantage compared to their peers.
English and digital literacy are crucial tools for today’s youth to succeed in their studies and often in their future professions, making it necessary skills to help them broaden their future prospects.
Besides regular afternoon classes at the Learning Center, children also have the option to choose from other activities when they don’t have class. They can get support with their homework from teachers or interns, have access to the library where they can read books, do art, learn new things, play different games or simply spend time together with their friends.
At CFI we have Fun Fridays, when students take a break from regular classes in the afternoon and have the opportunity to choose from different types of activities each week, depending on their interests. Fun activities usually include playing in the garden or the library, playing football, dancing, singing, beading, getting creative with recycled material, doing karaoke, learning how to do the Rubik’s cube or watching movies together.
It is crucial for children to have enough time to relax and have fun, helping them to have a good balance so they can do well in other areas in their lives too.
CFI and the Learning Center team continue to work hard towards supporting children’s well-being and helping them achieve their goals, so they can become role models and the leaders of the future generation!
Education Advocacy
Our advocacy education team keeps more than 200 students in the school, helps re-enroll them if they’ve quit school, and provides workshops to encourage children to pursue a good job through either formal education or vocational training.
We also offer university scholarships for young people to get a degree who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford it.
Special Projects
Enabling Leadership
CFI offers a number of special projects to provide additional opportunities to nearly 1,000 students through leadership programs, youth empowerment and professional preparation.
For example, we work with an India based NGO called Enabling Leadership to implement two leadership programs in public schools around Ek Phnom which build skills through the mediums of football and Lego.
The Duke of Edinburgh (2019-2023)
CFI began implementing the The Duke of Edinburgh’s International
Award programme in 2019 with the support of the British Embassy in Phnom Penh. Over the next four years, CFI supported 32 young people to participate, building their leadership skills through self-driven learning outside of the classroom. As of 2023, CFI has ceased providing the program.
Impact Stories
Meet Sophannak, a former student at CFI who is now a full-time Communication Officer at Children’s Future International.
Sophannak is the second child in the family whose mother died when he was 11. His father married into a new family and migrated to work in Thailand. Sophannak was left behind to live with his mom’s auntie with two of my aunties…
Meet Phalla, the Finance Officer at Children’s Future International (CFI). Phalla was a former CFI student. When she was younger, she received supplementary education support from CFI.
In 2017, she graduated high school and started her Accounting degree at the University of Vanda with a scholarship provided by CFI. She also worked as…
Meet Channith, a former student at CFI who is now a full-time computer teacher at the Learning Center.
Channith has three siblings, one girl and one boy. The family situation was so bad both of his parents were working as construction workers to support the family, and they struggled most to feed the family and paying for school materials and uniforms…
Meet Vanna, a Social Worker at Children’s Future International (CFI). Vanna was a former CFI student. When she was younger, she received supplementary education support from CFI.
After graduating from high school in 2015, Vanna started her university degree as a Marketing major through a scholarship provided by CFI. At the same time, she also interned at CFI on the Social Work team…
Through the opportunity I was given, my life has changed. I graduated in 2017 majoring in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) with support from Children’s Future International (CFI). Currently, I am working for an NGO in Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia.
Being the oldest of seven siblings, and with both of my parents not having regular job employment, I never thought that I would…
My name is Chen Srey Sor; I’m 20 years old. I’m a second-year student majoring in Community Development at the National University of Battambang, and I work as a Data intern at Children’s Future International (CFI).
I have eight siblings, and I’m the third daughter of the family. When I was ten years old, my family’s situation was terrible. We didn’t have a good place to stay; we asked for our neighbor’s land to build a small hut…
Every student has this potential within.
You can help them realize it.
Children’s Future currently supports approximately 250 students like Sophannak, who face daily challenges in continuing their education. Our work is not possible without your support.