Listening to some of the most important voices is what matters most! We continue to develop our services to fit into our client’s needs and we think the best way to discover what the people using our services think is to ask for feedback directly from them, to see what works and what doesn’t work, and how we could make it better!
Because of COVID-19, we can’t meet in person with the families, so we do the next best thing in this situation, a direct call. We called six families to ask some questions related to their living situation during the pandemic, about how they keep their children safe and educated at the same time.
Here are the questions and answers from the family:
What are the children doing at home? How was their learning?
– The teachers at public schools provide worksheets for the kids to study at home and the kids study hard.
– Kids’ health is good!
– The kid helps with housework and learns online with public school.
What are the challenges during this time?
– Don’t have enough food to eat
– My job is not stable
– The family is often unwell and it’s difficult to find a job
– My income is not stable
How do you protect your family from COVID-19?
– Tell the kids to wash their hands regularly
– Tell their children about Covid’s impact.
– Tell them to wear masks wherever they go
– Don’t go to crowded places
– Don’t go out if you don’t need to
How do you protect your family from COVID-19?
– Tell the kids to wash their hands regularly
– Tell their children about Covid’s impact.
– Tell them to wear masks wherever they go
– Don’t go to crowded places
– Don’t go out if you don’t need to
How do you protect your family from COVID-19?
– Tell the kids to wash their hands regularly
– Tell their children about Covid’s impact.
– Tell them to wear masks wherever they go
– Don’t go to crowded places
– Don’t go out if you don’t need to
What can we do to make things better for the family?
– It would be helpful if parents can have a loan to buy food, and pay it back when they get a job
We really need to find more work to do
– Our family needs more support such as food and money
What is your view of our services during COVID-19 (remote learning, community education support, family visit, community workshop)? How could CFI make it better?
– Remote learning from Public School: the kids are not learning much during this time, and can’t catch up well with the lesson
– Community Education support: It was great to see CFI teachers doing remote learning with students in the community once a week, the kids have things to do at home and meet their friends online.
– Family visits: The social worker calls regularly to follow up with the situation and I feel happy to see them follow up with my kid’s education and health.
– Community workshop: I haven’t attended any workshops at the moment because of the covid-19.
Are you worried about kids coming back to CFI school
– Yes, I am afraid the kids will get infected by covid-19 from other kids when they are playing,
– From my point of view, I don’t want my kids to go to school yet until the covid-19 situation is better.
– I am still worried about my children and I’m not yet confident to allow them to go to CFI school.
What do you do about it?
– Remind the kids to wear masks, wash their hands and keep a safe social distance
– I want to thank all the teachers for still providing worksheets for the kids to study at home
What have you heard about others in your community during this covid-19 period?
– Some people lost their job and can’t support their family
– Some people do not believe with the covid-19 that is still here
– Some people are discriminated against if they are sick
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