
Part of CFI’s staff capacity building practice is to have people from other NGO partners or overseas come and train the staff on a specific role for a short period of time.

In this way, it can help our staff develop their expertise and unlock their potential to be the best at their work.

Recently, we have welcomed Anne Horsley from Australia, who will be volunteering with CFI for 12 weeks. At CFI, Anne’s main focus is creating a stakeholder management plan.

Anne’s connections to Cambodia go back to 2000 when she worked in Poipet and Battambang as a technical advisor on counter- human trafficking projects. Her work has been in organization and program management, community and policy development.

Members of her family were born in Cambodia and she is passionate about the right of Cambodian children to grow up within their family and the importance of access to education so they can reach their potential.

We can’t wait to learn more from Anne’s experiences and look forward to our staff learning as much as you can during Anne’s time with CFI.