Just For Kicks Football Coach

By |2020-04-08T16:15:45+07:00April 8th, 2020|Student reporters|

Just For Kicks (JFK) is a program from the Enabling Leadership (EL) organization in India which was created to develop young people’s life-skills like communication and leadership using football. Recently, EL partnered with CFI to run this program in Battambang, Cambodia with young people in public school to help them build their leadership skills. [...]

Channy Interview Finance Officer

By |2020-04-08T16:35:17+07:00April 8th, 2020|Student reporters|

Here she goes again, Channy, aged 12, a student at Pheam Ek Primary School and is one of the most active student reporters. In this story, she wants to know what it would be like to work at CFI, so she interviewed our Finance Officer and here are the answers. Channy: Could you please [...]


By |2020-03-18T16:37:09+07:00March 18th, 2020|Student reporters|

Dear CFI Family and Friends, We hope this email finds you all safe and well. The global COVID-19 pandemic is causing disruption and confusion, so we thought we should update you on how CFI is being affected, and the steps we’ve taken to protect the well-being of students and staff. On Monday, the Ministry [...]

A Day In My Life

By |2020-03-02T10:12:48+07:00March 2nd, 2020|Student reporters|

Mony is 11 years old. He’s one of the youngest members in CFI’s reporter club. He’s in grade six at Sorm M’nos Elementary School. He has written once and now he’s happy to share his daily activity with us. Children in Western countries may have different daily activities from the kids growing up in [...]

My Chinese New Year

By |2020-02-05T14:35:12+07:00February 5th, 2020|Student reporters|

We are back again with Yary. She is 14 years old. She studies grade eight at Pheam Ek Primary School and would love to tell you about her Chinese New Year. Many people from other countries come to live in Cambodia, including people from China. We usually see people celebrate Chinese New Year in [...]

Vanny’s Success

By |2020-02-05T14:30:45+07:00February 5th, 2020|Student reporters|

Vanny is 17. When she was 15 her father passed away and her mum struggled to find employment in Ek Phnom. Vanny’s mum moved to Siem Reap for work, leaving Vanny to live with her uncle. Vanny’s mum returned when she could to visit. Vanny’s uncle made sure she had a safe place to [...]

Visal’s Success

By |2020-01-06T14:26:01+07:00January 6th, 2020|Student reporters|

You may recognize Visal. We last wrote about him in September 2016 under the pseudonym “Tola”. Now Visal is an adult and has given us permission to use his real name. At the time we told you how amazing he was as a student and how he studied hard to become the top-ranking student [...]

My Christmas day

By |2020-01-06T14:20:07+07:00January 6th, 2020|Student reporters|

Channy, 12, is a student at Pheam Ek Primary School and is one of our student reporters. In this story, she tells us about how she celebrates Christmas Day in Battambang. Every year on the 25th of December is Christmas day. Many people celebrate with their friends, family and their loved ones. They decorate [...]

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